
About Hankook Tyres

Compare Hankook Tyre Prices

Employing over 21,000 people, Hankook Tire have become the 7th largest tyre company in the world thanks to a large focus on quality and innovating with its expansive research and development division. Founded in 1941 in Seoul, Korea, Hankook is a literal translation of the word "Korea".

The company also has a large presence in America where it has multiple manufacturing facilties. It is also well known globally due to sponsorship deals with the likes of football giants Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund as well as the UEFA Europa League competition.

You can compare Hankook tyre prices using the vehicle registration/tyre size search below, or alternatively visit Hankook tyres for more information.

All Hankook Tyres

Shown below is a full list of available hankook tyre patterns. To compare tyre prices for these, simply click the "View tyre prices" button for your preferred tyre pattern where you will be prompted to choose a tyre size and fitting location to gather your local hankook tyre prices.

Dynapro AT2 (RF11)

Dynapro ATM RF10

Dynapro HP RA23

Dynapro HP RA33

Dynapro HP2 (RA33)

Dynapro HT RH12

Dynapro MT RT03

Dynapro MT2 RT05


I*Cept Evo W310

I*Cept IZ3 W636

I*Cept IZ3 X W636A

i*cept X RW10

i*Pike RS W419

I*Pike RS2 W429

I*Pike X W429A

Icebear W300a

ION evo SUV (IK01A)

iON FlexClimate IL01

iON FlexClimate SUV IL01A

K129 Ventus S1 Evo

Kinergy 4S 2 H750

Kinergy 4S H740

Kinergy 4S2 X (H750A)

Kinergy Eco 2 K435

Kinergy Eco K425

Kinergy GT (H436)

Optimo 4S H730

Smart Flex DH31

Smart Flex DH51

Smart Flex TH31

SmartFlex AH51

SmartWork DM09

Vantra LT RA18

Vantra ST AS2 RA30

Ventus AS (RH07)

Ventus Prime 2 K115

Ventus Prime 2 K115 HRS

Ventus Prime 3 K125

Ventus Prime 4 (K135)

Ventus Prime 4 (K135a) SUV

Ventus Prime K105

Ventus Prime3 SUV K125A


Ventus R-S4 (Z232)

Ventus S1 Evo 3 (K127)

Ventus S1 Evo 3 Runflat (K127B)

Ventus S1 evo K107

Ventus S1 evo K107 HRS

Ventus S1 Evo Z K129

Ventus S1 Evo2 (K117A)

Ventus S1 evo2 K117

Ventus S1 evo2 K117b HRS

Ventus S1 evo2 SUV K117

Ventus S1 evo3 EV K127E

Ventus S1 evo3 SUV (K127A)

Ventus S1 evo3 SUV Runflat (K127C)

Ventus S1 noble2 (H452)

Ventus S1Evo 4 X (K137A)

Ventus Sport K104

Ventus ST RH06

Ventus TD (Z221)

Ventus V12 Evo K110

Ventus V12 Evo2 (K120)

W452 Winter I*Cept RS2

Winter I*Cept Evo 2 (W320)

Winter i*cept evo2 SUV (W320A)

Winter i*cept evo3 (W330)

Winter i*cept evo3 X (W330A)

Winter i*cept iON (iW01)

Winter i*cept iON SUV (iW01A)

Winter i*cept iON X

Winter i*cept IZ W606

Winter i*cept IZ2 W616

Winter I*Cept LV RW12

Winter I*cept RS3 (W462)

Winter I*Pike (W409)

Winter I*Pike LV (RW15)

Winter I*Pike RW11

Winter iPike LT RW09

Zovac HP W401
